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Did You Know? Every Year The City of Oslo Donates…

There are amazing facts that we are most of the times ignorant of. These are some facts about certain cities, states and countries.

Did you know that….

1. Every year, the city of Oslo, Norway donates a Christmas tree to the people of Britain as a token of gratitude for their help during WWII.


2. Barcelona, Spain has built around 300 playgrounds for senior citizens that are meant to improve fitness and decrease isolation.


3. In the early 90s, the U.S. gave Afghan kids textbooks filled with militant Islamic teachings to spur resistance to the Soviet occupation.


4. Vatican City drinks more wine per person than anywhere else in the world—one resident consumes 74 liters of wine every year, on average.


5. Officials in Siak, Indonesia are using trained elephants outfitted with water pumps and hoses to help control forest fires.


6. In Nashville, Tennessee, there is a five-story, fully automated vending machine that dispenses real cars.


7. There’s an island that Canada and Denmark have been fighting over for years—they keep sending their militaries to remove each other’s flags.


8. In Pennsylvania, it is a felony to taunt a police dog but a misdemeanor to have sex with a dog.


9. In ancient India, accused liars had to chew rice to prove their innocence—a truth-teller would have enough saliva to spit the rice back out.


10. In Denmark, each citizen eats an average of 18 pounds of candy per year, twice as much as the average European.


11. In Brooklyn, New York, you can rent a mom for $40. She listens to you, gives you advice, cooks, and helps with chores.


12. North Korean restaurant Okryugwan has international locations, solely to bring foreign money into its economically weak mother country.


13. Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the world without a river.


14. Liechtenstein is roughly twice the size of Manhattan.


15. Every year in the UK, Cadbury sells more than three Creme Eggs for every person who lives there.


16. All the U.S. Interstate highways lined up would stretch about 47,000 miles—enough to circle the contiguous U.S. almost five times.


17. By 2030, one out of every four Florida residents will be older than 65.


18. South Florida is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles coexist in the wild.


19. For the first time in 20 years, Seattle is cleaning its famed Gum Wall, which had an estimated one million chewed wads of gum stuck to it.


20. Kids in Chimoio, Mozambique, make soccer balls out of condoms by scrunching up a few as a lightweight core and covering them with rags.


21. Wherever you are in the state of Florida, you’re never more than 60 miles from the nearest body of salt water.

22. In Hawaii, lifeguards make about $15,000 more than the U.S. national average pay for the same position.


23. As of 2010, only residents of the UK can go inside Big Ben’s tower—and you have to be sponsored by a Member of Parliament.