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31 African Proverbs for Leaders

African proverbs are a source of inspiration and motivation. It inspires good deeds and frown on negative attitudes, also serve as a great rebuke to the wayward. Below are just 31 of the great African proverbs directed towards leaders or leadership.

1. VISION – The poorest person in the world is not the one without money but the one
without vision. (Ghana)

2. TEAMWORK – If the leader of the hunting party gets tired, then all are tired. (Namibia)

3. DETERMINATION – The river may be wide, but it can be crossed. (Cote d’Ivoire)

4. FOCUS – Do not let what you cannot do tear from your hands what you can do. (Ghana)

5. STRENGTH – A stone is never overturned by the wind. (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

6. MODELING – Good behavior must start from the top. (South Africa)

7. PEACE – When there is peace in the community, the chief does not carry a shield. (Uganda)

8. EQUITY – A boat does not know who the leader is. When it turns over, everyone gets wet.  (Madagascar)

9. WORDINESS – Much talking does not make you a leader. (Uganda)

10. PATIENCE – Patience is the key to solving all problems. (Sudan)

11. PERSERVERENCE – By trying often, the monkey learns to jump from the tree. (Burundi)

12. OBEDIANCE – He who refuses to obey cannot command. (Kenya)

13. VIGOR – She who has not reached her destination never gets tired. (Kenya)

14. COURTESY – A storm may destroy the fields, but bad manners will destroy the nation. (Africa)

15. ADVICE – A leader who does not take advice is not a leader. (Kenya)

16. HUMILITY – A good leader was once a good follower. (Africa)

17. DIRECTION – With many captains, the ship does not sail properly. (Tanzania)

18. RECIPROCITY – One does not refuse water to the digger of wells. (Swahili)

19. PRIORITY – The hunter in pursuit of an elephant does not stop to throw stones at birds. (Uganda)

20. GROWTH – Provided no person stunts or destroys a sprouting palm seed, it will definitely grow into a palm tree. (Nigeria)

21. READINESS – Readiness has no fears. (Ghana)

22. ETHICS – A leader does not listen to rumors. (Ghana)

23. ATTENTION – When you are asked to look up, never lose sight of what is on the ground. (Africa)

24. PERSPECTIVE – It is playing for children and an emergency for the butterfly. (Ethiopia)

25. LEARNING – To lose the way is to learn the way. (Tanzania)

26. JOY – If the townspeople are happy, look for the chief. (Liberia)

27. DIVERSITY – A good chief is like a forest: everyone can go there and get something. (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

28. COMFORT – A good chief is like a strong tree with many branches: people like to sit in its shade. (South Africa)

29. RESPONSIBILITY – We do not look at another persons clock in order to work. (Benin)

30. COMPASSION – The small gazelle runs to save its life, but the lion chases to fill its belly. (Ethiopia)

31. PREPARATION – In order to find what we need when we want it, we put all that we need in a bundle. (Ghana)

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